When planning my coursework, there are questions which need to be taken into account in order to produce an effective final piece which is appropriate for the audience, channel and airing time. These options are important as they will shape my choice of elements such as camerawork and mise en scene:
-How can I make the opening scene abstract and gripping for the audience?
Takie inspiration from similar programmes, analyse pros/cons.
-How can I make my programme current and appealing to a young audience?
Research interests and preferences of TA in survey/focus group.
-In which ways can I introduce the characters so the audience gains an appropriate first impression of them?
-What is the theme of the opening scene?
-Do I want to build tension and excitement/mystery?
Building tension in opening scene is often successful and gripping.
-Do I want to build on background information?
-Will it have an overall entertaining quality?
-How can I use music to best to use to suit the atmosphere of the scene?
-Which music can the audience relate to and enjoy?
Find out in survey/focus group.
-Which music would create a memorable and original title sequence?
Trial various types of music to see which ftis best.
-How can lighting differ to suit various atmorpheres and locations?
Use low key lighting t emphasise the intensty and mystery.
-Which locations would be best to correspond to the genre and characters?
Relateable locations such as school/college and cities.
-How many locations should I present?
Not many, as to focus on characters and not retract attention from narrative.
-How can I use a variety of camera shots to convey different meanings within the scenes?
-How can I vary the pace of the editing to add emphasis on specific scenes?
Is it possible now to go back and start answering some of these questions? Use your knowledge gained via research into similar products.